
  • Mhw Axe Of Demons Raw Dmg Build
    카테고리 없음 2021. 5. 29. 17:31

    This is a list of the best Switch Axe to use in Monster Hunter World Iceborne. Learn what's the best Switch Axe to use in Iceborne including the best Iceborne starter Switch Axe up until pre and post-Fatalis Switch Axe!


    With this Switch Axe build, you will have very high affinity and critical rates, allowing you to do a lot of damage per hit. Sacrificing weapon sharpness, this build also has a bit of survival features with the Evade Extender skill. The protective polish deco is the most recent addition to the set and I hadn't thought to drop handicraft yet. As for then expert charm. Axe of demons has such bad negative affinity even after augmentation that even with all that crit I only end up with a positive 5% before weak spots. The focus with this setup is to maximize raw attack damage the damage you do with the help of Agitator, increasing your damage when enemies enrage, on top of the extra damage from the Attack Boost.

    List of Contents

    Best Switch Axe (Early Iceborne)

    Saber's Bite II

    Saber's Bite II
    109100 Sleep 420
    Hidden ElementThis weapon's element is Hidden and will require the Free Elem/Ammo Up skill to unlock.
    Phial TypeExhaust Phial
    Why is it Good?

    Saber's Bite is one of the easiest Switch Axe you to craft. It also features a sealed element making it possible to upgrade its damage via the Non-Elemental Boost decoration. It also has an exhaust phial which, if used with the Switch Axe's new move ZSD, can quickly stun monters.


    Best Switch Axe Lategame (Pre and Post Fatalis)

    Evanescent Glow

    Evanescent Glow
    129800 Dragon 510
    Hidden ElementThis weapon's element is Hidden and will require the Free Elem/Ammo Up skill to unlock.
    Phial TypePower Phial

    Similar to the Saber's Bite II, it's a non-elemental weapon but this time, it has higher damage, purple sharpness, AND a Power Phial. This makes the Evanescent Glow one of the better weapons to have before facing the end game monsters.

    True Fatalis End

    True Fatalis End
    121225-30Dragon 150
    Phial TypePower Phial
    Why is it Good?

    Switch Axes wants to deal damage and the Fatalis Weapon are your bestfriends when it comes to damage. The Fatalis weapons has the highest raw damage in the whole game. This is somehow heldback by the weapon's negative affinity but it can easily be offset by skills.

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